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This site is designed for people living in and around the village, for visitors and anyone who is just interested. Here you will find a snapshot of local news, up and coming events and hopefully lots of useful information. If you have information that you would like to see on the site, we'd love to hear from you. Just send us an email and we will be happy to upload your news or photo.
New! Photos of the month is a new section to showcase local shots. If you'd like to take part, email your photo to photos-of-the-month
Next Event
Coffee and Cakes at St Andrew's
Saturday 1st March 10am - midday
Homemade cakes, fresh coffee and tea and great chat as always
Up & Coming Events
Thursford and Hindringham Film Night
Wednesday 12th March 6.30pm for 7pm
"Fisherman's Friend"
at Hindringham Village Hall
A first of the month event at St Andrew's that has built up a great following.
Our film season continues with a lighthearted start to the new year.
You'll find a complete list of services at St Andrew's and across the benefice on the Church page.
​All welcome
Enjoy a selection of soups and cheese in excellent company.
There's no charge although a donation is always welcome
Short reports & updates by village groups
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